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Teaching Kumdo - the Korean "Way of the Sword"

Kumdo is similar to traditional striking (punching/kicking) martial arts, except that our blocks and strikes are performed with a katana. Instead of breaking boards we cut apples, carrots, paper, bamboo etc.

Who We Are

Brisbane Sword School is a small group of sword enthusiasts who love practicing sword together and enhancing our skills and understanding.

Where We Train

Sword classes are held in Deception Bay QLD.

From 1st September 2023

Day Start Finish Location
Saturday 9:30 am 11:00 am John Naumann Hall
Wednesday 7:30 pm 8:30 pm John Naumann Hall

2024 End-Of-Year Holiday Closures

Last Class for 2024 Saturday 21st December
First Class for 2025 Wednesday 8th January

What We Do

Basic Drills & Stances
Basic stances (body positions), cuts and movements.
A sequence of 20 to 60 movements, attacks and blocks that should tell a small story of an epic battle!
Partner Work
Short patterns done with two people, an attacker and a defender.
Free Sparring
There are no set sequences, it is all up to you to apply what you have learnt and try not to get hit!
Drawing & Sheathing
There is a lot involved in just drawing the sword from the scabbard. You could dedicate a whole martial art to just this, like Iaido.
Extinguishing a candle with a sword cut, but without touching either the candle or the flame!
Rolling & Cartwheels
Optional, but fun! Dive rolls and cartwheels whilst holding/cutting with a sword and wearing a scabbard - what could go wrong?
Katanas are awesome, but lightsabers look and sound so cool!
Dual Swords
When one sword just isn’t enough, why not use two?
Cutting Drills
Drills to prepare you for live (sharp) blade cutting.
Carrot Cutting
Great for kids and beginners to get a taste for target cutting but with a blunt sword.
Apple Cutting
Did someone say "Fruit Ninja"? Throwing apples in the air and cutting them as they fall.
Paper Cutting
For advanced students. Shredding paper with a sharp sword is a great test of control and precision.
Bamboo Cutting
For advanced students. Called Tameshigiri in Japanese. Target cutting practice with a live (sharp) sword.